Sunday 1 May 2011

Photo Challenge Day 8

A photo of your favorite band/musician: Relient K

I have journeyed through Relient K's development as a band throughout my years of fandom. Starting from Fish Fest (a massive Christian music festival that takes place in southern California every summer) when they were playing on the side stage and giving out free hugs, through to today, they have changed quite a bit but their constant evolution has always been for the better.

They started out as a band whose songs all sounded pretty similar and the focus was on witty and clever lyrics. The first song I really got into by them was Sadie Hawkins Dance:

The next few albums they released showed the development of the band where the musical compositions really developed and became more complex. They didn't give up the great lyrics though and even have clever names for their albums (Two Lefts Don't Make A Right, But Three Do). These albums were full of a mix of funny light songs and deeper more serious songs:
Mood Rings:

When I Go Down:

The last two albums have been amazing. I've loved every single song on each of them. The music has really developed, the lyrics are incredible, everything about them! I could post every single song from these two albums because I love them so much but here are just a few:

Devastation and Reform:

The Best Thing:


1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I left out one of my favourite of all time:
